How to vote when you have no idea of who to vote for
First, let me say that I am a big believer in the voting system(s) in America. You have no basis for complaints about your leadership if you don't care enough to vote.
My county in North Carolina (Catawba) has primary elections coming up in July. I am a registered Democrat, though my leanings are distinctly Republican with the exception of big business. I am assisting in the voting process as a judge for one of the local precincts. This is my first time as a judge. Going through training on the new electronic voting equipment led me to again review my voting strategy. I thought I'd record it and post for your amusement and commentary.
Frequently you have no idea who to vote for. You do your preliminary investigative work with TV, radio, coworkers, family members, and local barbershop. But that obscure position of 5th District Superior Court judge, Register of Deeds, or other smaller position has left you baffled at the poll. Who do you vote for when you have no idea of who the candidates are for the position?
You could vote straight party ticket. That would have me voting straight Democrat. This selects all Democrats on the ticket, regardless of experience, relevancy to the position, or who the best person for the position is. This is only one step above not voting. Such partisanship is mostly for the lazy. Or you could not vote for that particular position. This is unacceptable also because you once again are shirking your responsibility.
My strategy is this:
* When I know the person I want to elect, then I will vote for him/her for that position.
* When I don't know any ot the candidates but I know who the incumbent is, I will seek to remove that incumbent from office. This limits the good old boy networks. I am firmly for term limitations. Two terms in office is enough. Candidates don't need to leave public service, they just need to find another position to serve in.
* When I don't know anyone who is running, I will always vote for the Libertarian candidate. In general I think that Goverment should be trimmed down and this fits with the general Libertarian goals. Besides, the Republicans and Democrats just piss me off sometimes with their posturings, attack advertisements, and doublespeak.
* When there is no Libertarian candidate, I will vote in the woman candidate. Woman tend to make better policy makers in my opinion. Men settle too quickly into good old boy networks.
This is my strategy. Label me Democrat, Republican, Centrist, Leftist, Rightist, Populist, or whatever. I don't care. I watch the issues, try to avoid biased reporting, and am involved in the governnance process. I am working to make a difference and my election strategy has evolved to help me do that.
So, what do _you_ think and how do _you_ decide who to vote for?