Are you drinking the wrong soda?
I just bought one of the new C2 Coke's at the local Target in the nifty 8-pack. Further, the vending machine upstairs now carries C2 as well as "straight" Coke. Nutritionally, C2 seems to have it going on. Calories fall from 140 to 70, total carbs from 39g to 18g, sugar from 39g to 18g (guess where the carbs come from...), and sodium from 50mg to 45mg. My informal taste test shows that it tastes _exactly_ the same, with no sweetener aftertaste. So, it looks like a home run for Coke, right?
Unfortunately, there is one nagging question in my mind. And it's a big question, clamoring for attention, gesticulating wildly with a cigarette stained hand. If Coke can offer the same product with such a nutritional advantage over the "straight" Coke, then why hasn't it already? We should have had this Coke years ago. Indeed, this should have been the New Coke, and then we would have had a reason to switch!
So, why is Coke still feeding us the inferior "straight" Coke? If Coke can make the new C2 with 70 calories, can it make do with only 35? I have lost faith in Coke's earnestness and sense of propriety. Further, because I view all soda companies similarly, why isn't Pepsii making a low-carlorie (not a 0 or 1 calorie, mind you) soda? Could there be a 35 calorie Cheerwine coming soon to a soda fountain near you?