ADD seems to have some ties to sleeping issues
Is ADD related to sleeping disorders? Not medication induced sleeping problems, but actually tied to the ADD as either a symptom or a comorbid condition?
During the investigative process for my ADD diagnosis, my counselor was worried that my sleep problems might need more immediate attention than my ADD issues. Several professionals have mentioned depression as a possible cause of the sleeplessness. (duh, first question on the depression scale - do you sleep well?) I went on Strattera for as long as I could stand it (24 days), but it made my sleeping much, much worse.
When I went off Strattera, my sleep returned to it's previous lousy level, but at least it wasn't horrendous. I have arranged for a sleep study to check on apnea, restless leg, etc. My study is Saturday night. My biggest fear is that there will be no "real" diagnosis of a problem because I really don't think I have sleep apnea, restless leg, etc. I can see it now...
"Mr. Perky, after your study and other careful consideration, we conclude that you are not sleeping well at night because you are waking up so frequently."
"Thanks! but I already knew that!"
"That will be $2,500.00, please, Mr. Perky"
My problem is specifically that I awaken too much each night. I used to think that it was just me and that I just was ... lazy I guess, since I nap so much on weekends. I awaken about 8 or 10 times on an average night that I can remember each morning. On bad nights (when on Strattera particularly) I awaken abut 30 or more times. No cessation of breathing, no feeling of falling, just wake up, know that I'm awake, check the clock, turn over, and then return to sleep.
I have not had a good night's sleep in over 2 years which was the last time I slept through the night without waking. Last time was 2 1/2 years before that. (The time are such an event that I remember them) This has gone on for over 20 years. I've tried anecdotal solutions (no caffein, no stress, good sleep hygiene, no alcohol, melatonin) but I've never tried prescription medications before.
Is this ADD related? Will my study be wasted?